Quotes for Son | Top 30 Best Son Quotes | Quotes for love

 Quotes for Son | Top 30 Best Son Quotes | Quotes for love

Quotes for Son | Top 30 Best Son Quotes | Quotes for love
Quotes for Son | Top 30 Best Son Quotes | Quotes for love

30 Best son quotes

1.      “I may not be perfect, but when I look at my son I know that I got something in my life perfectly right.”
                                                                                  – Unknown
2.      “Men are what their mothers made them”.
                                                          – Ralph Waldo Emerson
3.      “No matter how much I tell my son I love him, I always love him more than that.”
                                                                                                 – Unknown
4.      “When you teach your son, you teach your son’s son”.
                                                                                        – The Talmud
5.      “Son, you may outgrow my lap, but never my heart.”
                                                                                      – Unknown
6.      “Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice”. 
                                                                            – Charles F Kettering
7.      “You are my sonshine.”
                           – Unknown
8.      “I have a son, who is my heart. A wonderful young man, daring and loving and strong and kind”.
                                                                                 – Maya Angelou
9.      “The most important mark I will leave on this world is my son.”
                                                                                         – Sarah Shahi
10.  “The sooner you treat your son as a man, the sooner he will be one”.
                                                                                         – John Dryden
11.   “Giving your son a skill is better than giving him one thousand pieces of gold.”
                                                                                  – Chinese Proverb
12.   “There has never been, nor will there ever be, anything quite so special as the love between the mother and a son”.
                                                                              - Author Unknown
13.   “My son. My life. My everything.”
                                                           – Unknown
14.  “ A boy’s best friend is his mother”.
                                                        – Joseph Stefano
15.    “I love my son with all my heart. Forever and always.”
                                                                                         – Unknown
16.   “Mother and son – there has never been, nor will there ever be anything quite as special as the bond between us”.
17.   “My son is the best gift I have ever received. He is the sunshine in my day. The joy in my soul. And the love of my life.”
                                                                                         – Unknown
18.  “ That strong mother doesn’t tell her cub, Son, stay weak so the wolves can get you. She says, Toughen up, this is reality we are living in”.
                                                                                        – Lauryn Hill
19.   “I may have given my son the gift of life, but he gave me a reason to live.”
                                                                                             – Unknown
20.   “There is an endearing tenderness in the love of a mother to a son that transcends all other affections of the heart. Washington Irving”.
21.   “You”ve been a blessing from the start, I love you my son with all my heart.”
                                                                                       – Unknown
22.   “Don’t wait to make your son a great man – make him a great boy”.
23.   “Sons are the anchors of a mother’s life.”
                                                                                     – Sophocles
24.   “ You don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they’ll turn out to be heroes, even if it’s just in your own eyes”.
                                                                                      -Walter M Schirra Sr
25.   “I love my son. No matter where he goes in life, he will forever be on my mind and in my heart.”
                                                                                     – Unknown
26.   “A woman with all sons will be surrounded by handsome men the rest of her life”.
27.   “I love my son more than I have ever found the words to say.”
                                                                                          – Unknown
28.   “Mothers are inscrutable beings to their sons, always”.
                                                                                      – A.E. Coppard
29.   “Happiness is time spent with my son.”
                                                                     – Unknown
30.  “ As the mother of a son, I do not accept that alienation from me is necessary for his discovery of himself. As a woman, I will not cooperate in demeaning womanly things so that he can be proud to be a man. I like to think the women in my son’s future are counting on me”.
                                                                             – Letty Cottin Pogrebin

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