Quotes for Father | Top 30 Quotes for father | Quotes about life | Quotes about love 

Quotes for Father | Top 30 Quotes for father | Quotes about life | Quotes about love
Quotes for Father | Top 30 Quotes for father | Quotes about life | Quotes about love 

30est Quotes for father’s

1."How pleasant it is for a father to sit at his child's board. It is like an aged man reclining under the shadow of an oak which he has planted." 

                                                                                                    -Walter Scott


2.“Never is a man more of a man than when he is the father of a newborn.”              

                                                                                 – Matthew McConaughey


3.“Father, Dad, Papa, no matter what you call them they influence our lives and they are the person we look up to”.

                                                                                             - Catherine Pulsifer


4.“Being a father is a huge responsibility, but a satisfying one.”

                                                                                      – Pierce Brosnan


5."My father, he was like the rock, the guy you went to with every problem." 

                                                                                           -Gwyneth Paltrow


6.“It is much easier to become a father than to be one.”

                                                                                      – Kent Nerburn


7."I am not ashamed to say that no man I ever met was my father's equal, and I never loved any other man as much." 

                                                                            -Hedy Lamarr

8.“It is a wise father that knows his own child.”

                                                                                     –  William Shakespeare


9."I would define a leader as a person who puts the welfare of the group above himself. It's the same thing with fathers." 

                                                                                                  -Etan Thomas



10.“Of all the titles I’ve been privileged to have, Dad has always been the best.”

                                                                                                   – Ken Norton


11."Being a father, being a friend, those are the things that make me feel successful." 

                                                                                                -William Hurt


12.“The older I get, the smarter my father seems to get.”

                                                                                 – Tim Russert


13."Recently I noticed my father's watch in a dark corner of my safety deposit box. Its presence there exemplified the great value I had assigned it. As I turned the watch in my hand, I remembered my father's commitment to being on time ... always ... if not early." 

                                                              -Harold Ivan Smith


14.“My father was my teacher. But most importantly he was a great dad.”  

                                                                                              – Beau Bridges


15."Part of the reason that Lombardi's players were willing to work with him was that he nurtured and cared for them like a father. When Lombardi succeeded, so did they." 

                                                                                        -Donald T. Phillips


16.“A father carries pictures where his money used to be.”

                                                                                        – Steve Martin


17.“Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad.”

                                                                                               – Anne Geddes


18."To be a father requires patience, love and giving up the 'all about me' attitude." 

                                                                                      -Catherine Pulsifer

19.“My daughter got me a ‘World’s Best Dad’ mug. So we know she’s sarcastic.”

                                                                                        – Bob Odenkirk


20.“A child enters your home and for the next twenty years makes so much noise you can hardly stand it. The child departs, leaving the house so silent you think you are going mad.”

                                        – John Andrews Holmes


21."The most important influence in my childhood was my father." 

                                                                                       -DeForest Kelley


22.“To me, having kids is the ultimate success in life. I want to be most successful at being a good father.”

                                                    – Nick Lachey


23."There's sometimes a weird benefit to having an alcoholic, violent father. He really motivated me in that I never wanted to be anything like him." 

                                                                                                         -Dean Koontz


24.“My favorite thing about being a father is just seeing my kids grow and do some of the same things that I did when I was a kid, man.”

                                                                                                        – LeBron James


25."I inherited that calm from my father, who was a farmer. You sow, you wait for good or bad weather, you harvest, but working is something you always need to do." 

                                                                                                 -Miguel Indurain


26.“The quality of a father can be seen in the goals, dreams, and aspirations he sets not only for himself but for his family.”

                                                                                              – Reed Markham


27."The extension of the positive characteristics of a father can contribute more to the healing of a nation than all the money-laden do good programs combined. It is these caring, compassionate, respectful and loving attributes that can not only encourage and heal a family, but can be extended outward to a neighborhood, a town, a city, a territory, a region, and a country." 

                                                                                            -Byron R. Pulsifer


28.“Becoming a father, I think it inevitably changes your perspective of life. I don’t get nearly enough sleep. And the simplest things in life are completely satisfying. I find you don’t have to do as much. Like you don’t go on as many outings.”

                                                                                                       – Hugh Jackson


29."I encourage all fathers to focus on the intangibles, because those are the gifts that make the difference." 

                                                                                                   -Asha Patrick


30.“I remember a very important lesson that my father gave me when I was twelve or thirteen. He said, ‘You know, today I welded a perfect seam and I signed my name to it.’ And I said, ‘But, Daddy, no one’s going to see it!’ And he said, ‘Yeah, but I know it’s there.’ So when I was working in kitchens, I did good work.” 

                                                                                                  – Toni Morrison